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Mock tests

Sign-up form

Note: If you don’t find the confirmation email in your inbox, check the `Promotions’ tab.

25 sign-ups so far

Style of questions

CMI Tomato mock tests will have questions modeled along the lines of previous years’ questions. Emphasis will be slightly more on standard techniques rather than ingenuity.


Each test will have 10 objective questions and 6 subjective questions. Each test will carry a total of 100 marks (40+60). The tests are open to everybody on the mailing list. No payment is required to participate in the tests. Only objective questions will be evaluated. Responses from students will be made public, but with anonymized names.

Current schedule

7 March ‘25Friday4pm - 7pmFull-syllabus test
28 March ‘25Friday4pm - 7pmFull-syllabus test

Previous question papers


You can reach me at this number: 7975 2867 81. I’m happy to talk to both students and parents.